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pan-european assessment, monitoring, and mitigation of stressors on the health of bees

Here, you will find all public PoshBee deliverables as well as all scientific publications resulting from or relevant to the project.
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Stakeholder summary (EN): Fungicide and insecticide exposure adversely impact bumblebee health and behaviour

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Haemolymph Proteomics: A New Approach to Monitoring Bee Health

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): How does an insecticide seed-treatment affect honeybee and bumblebee colonies and their pathogens, parasites and beneficial bacteria?

Authors: Osterman, J., Wintermantel, D., Rundlöf, M. & de Miranda, J.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): New molecular method to detect and quantify three microsporidia infecting bees, Vairimorpha (Nosema) apis*, Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae* and Vairimorpha (Nosema) bombi*

Authors: Babin, A., Schurr, F., Rivière, M-P., Chauzat, M-P., & Dubois, E.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Novel insecticides and viral pathogens act independently on worker honey bees in the laboratory

Authors: Al Naggar, Y., & Paxton, R. J.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Pollen slows down the aging induced by Varroa mites

Authors: Frizzera, D., Ray, A., Seffin, E., Zanni, V., Annoscia, D., Grozinger, C., & Nazzi, F.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (EN): Sulfoxaflor insecticide and azoxystrobin fungicide have no major impact on honeybees

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary: Flowering hedges and edges support pollinating insects throughout the season

Authors: Bottero, I., Hodge, S., & Stout, J.C.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): Analyses protéomiques par test "sanguin" pour suivre la santé des abeilles

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): L’alimentation en pollen favorise la tolérance des abeilles aux pesticides

Authors: Barascou, L.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder Summary (FR): Nouvelle méthode moléculaire pour la détection et quantification de trois microsporidies parasites d’abeilles, Vairimorpha (Nosema) apis*, Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae* et Vairimorpha (Nosema) bombi*

Authors: Babin, A., Schurr, F., Rivière, M-P., Chauzat, M-P., & Dubois, E.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): Une dose unique, mais des effets à long terme : le cas du sulfoxaflor (neurotoxique) chez les abeilles domestiques

Authors: Barascou, L.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): Une nouvelle ère s’ouvre pour visualiser l’impact de stresseurs sur l’abeille domestique : scanner des protéines pour en faire des images instantanées

Authors: Houdelet, C., Arafah, K., Bocquet, M., & Bulet, P.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (FR): Un test sanguin pour suivre l’impact de stresseurs sur la santé des abeilles

Authors: Bulet, P. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): Il polline rallenta l’invecchiamento delle api infestate da Varroa

Authors: Frizzera, D., Ray, A., Seffin, E., Zanni, V., Annoscia, D., Grozinger, C., & Nazzi, F.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): Le siepi e le bordure fiorite lungo i campi coltivati supportano gli insetti impollinatori durante l’anno

Authors: Bottero, I., Hodge, S., & Stout, J.C.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): L’esposizione all’insetticida Sulfoxaflor ed al fungicida Azoxystrobin riduce l’attività di bottinamento, la deposizione di polline e la crescita delle colonie di bombi

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): L'insetticida Clothianidin aumenta la fertilità di Varroa destructor, impattando negativamente sulla salute delle api

Authors: Annoscia, D.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary (IT): L'insetticida Sulfoxaflor e il fungicida azoxystrobin non hanno evidenti effetti negativi sull’ ape europea (Apis mellifera)

Authors: Tamburini, G. et al.
Year: 2022

Stakeholder summary: Novel insecticide reduces egg-laying and reproductive success in bumble bees

Authors: Siviter, H., Leadbeater, E., & Brown, M.
Year: 2022